Projects for Ukraine with Human Aktiv

Help on the ground in the war zone Ukraine
With its long-standing cooperation partner “humedica e.V.” in Kaufbeuren and its partner “Prison Fellowship Romania” in Cluj, Romania, the relief organisation “human aktiv” has already supported several distribution campaigns of relief supplies. The aid deliveries went to the six Ukrainian cities of Kiev, Ivano Frankivsk, Odessa, Liviv, Cernauti and Bucha. The first distribution has already taken place, the second action is in preparation. The aim of the distribution campaigns is to maintain supplies for the people in the crisis region. The aid measures focus on durable food such as rice, noodles, flour, cooking oil and baby food. Women and children are often left to fend for themselves, as many husbands and fathers have been called up for military or reserve service. But also elderly people and people with physical and mental disabilities are provided with the aid supplies.
Help for Ukrainian refugees in Germany
human aktiv supports the voluntary work of smaller associations, for example by financing transport costs and tolls. Many smaller associations collect food, hygiene articles or clothing and transport the goods to the border regions of Ukraine to help the refugees there. Due to the shortage of many foodstuffs such as flour and oil, the price increases as well as the increasing number of people entitled to buy from the refugees from Ukraine, the precarious situation of the food banks is becoming even more acute. “human aktiv” supports with another 60,000 EUR earmarked for the purchase of food. In the near future, “human aktiv” will also support facilities that treat mentally ill and traumatised refugees.
Your donations in good hands
This and much more is to be supported in a targeted manner by the Charity Tour 2022. All donations will be used 100% for the intended purpose – without any administrative deductions – and will benefit the described projects of the Jörg Wolff Foundation and human aktiv in equal parts.
There is a joint donation account for both funding priorities at “human aktiv”. Half of the amount paid into the account goes to the Jörg Wolff Foundation and the other half to human aktiv for the benefit of the two funding priorities of development aid in Africa and emergency aid in Ukraine.
- Account name: human aktiv NAK Süd e.V.
- IBAN: DE20 6012 0500 0007 7260 00
- Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG
Be sure to specify when making a donation:
Please state the project number: 27001008 in the reason for payment. If you would like a donation receipt, please also state the donor’s address. We will take your name from the account holder details that we automatically receive via the bank statement.